Family Support
Caring for a loved one at end of life is probably one of the greatest loving gifts one can do for another. It can also be one of the most emotionally taxing tasks we have in all of our lifetime. How does one cope? Job, other family members, Drs appts, medication, and then on top of that you as the care giver have to keep it all together on the outside, while your world is crashing down on the inside.
Support at this time is critical. Questions that go thru your head range from "Am I doing enough?" "Am I doing the right thing?" "Should I do more?" How do you explain to your loved one what is happening or going to happen to them when they pass?
Using a spiritual medium can eleviate some of that anxiousness and help to answer some of the questions that arise at this critical time. In most cases, a Spiritual Medium can explain and prove, through an evidential reading, that a family member is there waiting for your loved one.